Alright, so in the Let's Play Minecraft Episode Pages, there is a quote at the top of the page. Now I'm letting you vote on the quote. So pick a quote, put it here, and the community will vote for it.
Episode 9[]
"If you take the six gold I had in my inventory, I'm gonna murder you in real-life..." ~ Geoff (expletives removed)
Episode 10[]
"This is how you ascend to Heaven: you ride this waterfall." ~ Michael
Episode 11[]
Jack's Death[]
"That's not even a trap" ~ Gavin
Abusing the Cameraman[]
"It's cameraman abuse in this one" ~ Gavin
Episode 12[]
"The beds are gone!" ~ Michael
"You measure it in Celsius" ~ Jack
"You guys wanna have a pillow fight?" ~ Ray
Episode 13[]
"I broke the Kung-Fu picture" ~ Ray
Episode 14[]
"Surprise Mother Fucker!" ~ Jack
Episode 15[]
"I just want to kill Gavin so bad..." ~ Michael
Episiode 16[]
Episode 17[]
" I got trapped on his door!" ~ Gavin
Episode 18[]
"The wolf killed Gavin" ~ Jack
Episode 19[]
"Were we meant to be waiting?" ~ Michael
Episode 20[]
"Later Bitches!" ~ Ray
Episode 21[]
Episode 22[]
"Wow...So I walk over...AND I DIDN'T FUCKING SET MY SPAWN YET!" ~ Michael
Episode 23[]
"Can we not break the fucking rules while we're reading them?" ~ Michael
Episode 24[]
"Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh!" ~ Ray
"Gavin, get out of the way! I'm trying to watch him jerk off!" ~ Michael
Episode 25[]
"East? I thought you said weast!" ~ Ray
Episode 26[]
"Ray just pulled a Tower of Pimps out of his anus!" ~ Gavin
Episode 27[]
"Why is your head still doing that?!?" ~ Ray
Episode 28[]
"Everybody just hang out by the fire....Make some S'mores." ~ Geoff
Episode 29[]
"Oh no, sheep get out of the fucking way....Oh you white fuck!" ~ Ray
"GAVIN! RUUUUUN!" ~ Michael
Episode 30[]
"Dude, they all look like Squidward!" ~ Geoff
"Don't fall off the roof!" ~ Gavin
Episode 31[]
"Whaa! Whaaaaa! So many colours!" ~ Michael
Episode 32[]
"You've got 7 ink sacks?!" ~ Gavin
"Diggin' for victory....not for me but for Geoff." ~ Michael
"Geoff already won....he won a few minutes ago." ~ Geoff
Episode 44[]
'So through that circle there?' ~ Jack
"Thats a Square, Jack" - Ray
(*Jack jumps in the lava*)
Episode 46[]
"I've been deceived! I activated your trap card!" ~Ray
Episode 61[]
"You don't understand. Edgar is the one in the hole." ~ Ryan