Air Date
Part 1
Geoff, Michael
Geoff and Michael return to their Let's Play roots in Saints Row IV: Re-Elected!
February 7, 2015
Part 2
Geoff and Michael attempt to not collect collectables and fail.
February 14, 2015
Part 3
Geoff and Michael lose their clothes, grab some dubstep guns, and continue their playthrough of Saints Row. Happy Saints Row Saturday!
February 28, 2015
Part 4
Geoff and Michael return with more superpowers than ever. With fire, ice, telekinesis, and Dubstep on their side... how can they be beat?!
March 7, 2015
Part 5
Geoff and Michael are back and even stronger than ever. Do their enemies even stand a chance? No... no they don't.
March 14, 2015
Part 6
Geoff and Michael grab some new items and save Shaundi in this week's episode of Saints Row Saturday.
March 21, 2015
Part 7
Geoff and Michael save the city from giant cans of soda and evil versions of themselves. Also they have new outfits.
March 28, 2015
Part 8
Geoff and Michael go full 2D and insert themselves where they don't belong. It's part 8 of Saints Row Saturday!
April 4, 2015
Part 9
Geoff and Michael are going after Keith David. But to bring him in, their gonna need help from a maniac... also Sunny references.
April 18, 2015
Part 10
Geoff and Michael are getting close to the end. See them get to the end of their journey.
April 18, 2015
Part 11
Geoff and Michael finish up their loyalty missions. Only a small portion of the story remains.
April 25, 2015
Geoff and Michael have finally done it. They've reached the end of Saints Row IV. But... can they defeat the evil Zinyak and save the universe? Will it be as easy as everything else was? Possibly...
May 2, 2015