Full Play is an Achievement Hunter series introduced on May 26, 2013 by Michael Jones. It is a continuation of Michael's older independent Let's Plays that he did on his YouTube Channel. Unlike a normal Let's Play, Full Plays were the full completion of a game's campaign by an Achievement Hunter member, typically Michael. New videos were released on Saturday or Sunday but generally had an irregular schedule.
The series went on hiatus before being substituted with Let's Watch, which follows a similar format. This series was then continued in 2019 after a 5-year hiatus.
Other Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter employees have made guest appearances in a few Full Play episodes. So far Monty Oum, Gavin Free, and Kerry Shawcross have appeared in one episode each.
The Resident Evil 2 Remake full play is the only series to have the same four hosts throughout the entire playthrough.