1-800-Magic was a short series created by Rooster Teeth Productions set in the game Shadowrun. The entire series was written by Joel Heyman.
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Episode 1[]
A team of two humans and an elf engages in a firefight against a team of four trolls.
Episode 2[]
Bidderman finds himself in a weird landscape, where he has a conversation with a talking tree named Frank.
Episode 3[]
The hotline operator insists that magic doesn't exist, and claims Bidderman didn't teleport, but instead experienced some "minor lag in the system".
Episode 4[]
The blue monster continues to assault the troll with the chaingun. Bidderman attempts to fix the problem with his powers, but only ends up making things worse.
- Michael Bidderman
- Johnson
- Unnamed Human Soldier
- Frank
- Steve
- Beakman
- Tech Support
- Spell Support